Investing in senior leaders is investing in the future of your organization.

Designed to support senior leaders improve their leadership skills to handle complexity, prioritize and achieve their goals, support their teams to drive performance, and align short-term action with long-term direction.
Laptop video conferencing with four people on the screen.

What Participants Will Learn

By applying the lessons learned in Leading for Impact, senior leaders will be able to: 

  • Understand a leader’s role in augmenting the talents, resilience and impact of their mid-level managers. 

  • Use their individual leadership style and strengths to maximize their positive impact. 

  • Communicate to provide managers with clear expectations and feedback.  

  • Lead managers in a way that balances support with the appropriate level of autonomy and accountability.

  • Develop managers to lead and manage others.

Creating the space senior leaders need to focus on their key priorities will set the ceiling for the organization's impact.

Leading for Impact features interactive instruction, facilitated practice, peer feedback, executive coaching, and innovative experiences. Participants are provided with sustainment tools to ensure program learnings are embedded into their leadership practice once the program has ended. 
Desktop with nine participants of a video conference.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can support you.

Email [email protected] or book your call to speak with a Strategisense team member, today.

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